Anybody else feel like something is just off about this quarantine period?

We are living in a pandemic. The news tells us there are thousands of people dying everyday. Everyone is trapped in their houses with nowhere to go….most people are uncertain of the future yet…aren’t really scared?

Lawsuits over coronavirus quarantines are unlikely to succeed ...

At least not scared to the point where you think you can die from it. The death rate around the world is at 2% – perhaps even less considering a lot of people who have it don’t haven’t been able to get tested. And if you aren’t an elderly or of high risk, you likely don’t feel too terrified if you just stay at home.

So it might feel like a weird time because when envisioning a Pandemic, you imagined it like in the movies – if you’ve ever seen Contagion, it’s people shooting each other to fight for food and people dying on the streets. But that is not the case. 

Stars of 'Contagion' reunite for a coronavirus PSA

It also feels odd because most don’t think it is going to last a long time – probably just weeks. Worse case scenario – months. But we know that by summer or perhaps fall (knock on wood), that we are going to go outside and know that our social lives are going to go back to normal.

So for now, the weirdness probably comes from the fact that we are living in a warlike situation (i.e. not going out, rationing food, constantly bad news) but aren’t exactly feeling terribly afraid so our actions don’t match up with our emotions. Most of our lives whether it be work or socially have also come to a halt where there isn’t a lot of purpose to how we spend our time…like a retirement. But unlike a retirement, we aren’t exactly suppose to enjoy this time either and might even feel guilty for doing so. Overall, no one really  knows how to feel about it and it is just what you make of it. 

あげるならコレ!? 子育てに追われるママがほしいもの | 女子力アップ ...

What do you think about this Pandemic period?

To lighten the mood, click here for 15 Funniest Quarantine Memes

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