What Social Media Platform is Your Zodiac Sign?

ARIES – Snapchat
They have short attention spans and also have the most random thoughts to share with their friends

TAURUS – Facebook
They are reliable as well as practical and tend to have traditional tastes

They can be funny, intelligent, weird, and distracted all at the same time

CANCER – Tumblr
They are very deep into their feelings and Tumblr is usually the place to weep it all out

LEO – YouTube
YouTube is the perfect platform for Leos to show off their confidence, creativity, and talk about themselves all day

VIRGO – Slack
They like to be prepared and will check up with their group members every hour or so to make sure they are doing their part

LIBRA – Instagram
They like everything to be aesthetic

SCORPIO – Tinder
They are passionate and intense – proceed with caution

They can be opinionated and brutally honest but at least they’re witty

No one works harder and loves to show off their accomplishments more than a Capricorn

They tend to have vast knowledge in a lot of areas in life

They know the best places for food

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How Your Ex Deals With Breakup Based on their Zodiac Sign

What to do when your ex upgrades – SheKnows

They will hold a lot of anger towards you for a very long time and will not forgive you until you own up to the mistakes.

They can always be counted on as a friend, even if there was a breakup.

Even after a breakup, they are still loyal and care for you as a friend.

If they are the dumpee, then they are easy to deal with. If they are the ones being dumped, then a whole lot of resentment will be carried with them for years.

If the breakup was on good terms, they will treat you well. If it didn’t end well, they will likely turn cold. Regardless, they move on quick afterwards.

They will unlikely continue a relationship of any sort with their ex after a breakup as there are too many negative emotions to deal with and simply want a fresh start afterwards.

They leave their former partners confused as their partners are still fascinated over them while Libras will move on quick.

They are not easy to deal with as they will always seek out revenge.

They will not openly display any emotions they may still be holding but will remain diplomatic and polite.

They handle breakups in a cordial way by not engaging in anything romantic but still being interested in their ex’s lives.

Once the relationship is over, they will act like you never existed and you should not expect there to be any interaction thereafter.

They can take a while to get over you and during that time, be really indecisive. Once they get over you though, they don’t look back at all.


Noone could ever see me - until now! - 3FM Isle of Man

They are very faithful even though you barely see them as they have a busy schedule most of the time. If you are their best or or one of their older friends, you might as well be included in the family celebrations as they see you as a brother or sister.

They will go out of their way for their friends but sometimes give advice that may not be the right kind of advice but totally convinced that they are right due to their stubbornness. They are generally really fun to be around so you will be entertained for sure.

They are one of the most playful signs so get ready for fun and lightheartedness all the way. Although during down times, they may tend to back away

They make amazing friends but also want you to themselves because being a friend is not good enough, they need to be your best friend. They don’t share a lot about themselves but that also make them great listeners.

As self-prioritizing Leos can be, they make amazing friends because they are supportive, loyal, and love to catch up on gossip. They are also independent so they don’t need to be attached to a friend at all times but a text or phone call here and there will do.

They are helpful and supportive friends who shows up at the right time. They have difficulty asking for help but when they do, don’t back out on them. They are also dependent so make sure to check up on them once in a while.

Friendships with Libras tend to be intense but also end quickly. That is because Libras feel that they are making fair judgements for both parties but forget to inform the other end on their intension which may leave friends on the other end confused.

Although they socialize with a wider range of people easily, they are selective when picking their close friends. They are not needy but that’s because they choose to be friends on their own terms so they need friends who are quickly able to adapt to their needs.

They are fun friends to be with as they are upbeat and don’t complain much but sometimes all that bottled up emotion needs to let loose so it is up to their friends to bring out those emotions which also means grounding them as they may be sometimes overly optimistic.

They don’t give emotionally to a lot of people, so if you are their friend, you are considered their best friend but they treat their friends very well.

Friendships to Aquarians are more of a idealistic need than a personal one. They don’t like to keep in contact with friends all the time, maybe once in a while but when you do keep in touch with them, they will update you, it will be quite entertaining.

They are very well aware of their friends’ emotions and can be counted on at your time of need. They don’t have a lot of friends but the ones they do have, are of quality.

What Kind of Parent Will You Be Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Parents and caregivers are essential to children's healthy development

They are the overbearing types who want to be as involved in their child’s life as possible. They have strong values and rewards and punishments will be used prominently to raise their child.

They are very nurturing so they love to have many kids. However, they hold strong beliefs so their generosity with their kids can be dependent on their mood.

They make good parents when they have an interest in their child but they also have a wide range of interests so sometimes their child may not be at the top of their priority.

They make loving parents but often forget that their child is an individual and giving them too much support may backfire when they grow to be more independent.

They are very protective of their child but because of their focus on other aspects of their life, particularly their careers, they may not spend that much time with their child leaving them with neglect if they are not careful.

They are perfectionists who love their child to follow their many rules but when a child seeks independence, they often rebel and is not fond of their parent’s controlling attitude.

They care a lot about how their child stands socially, academically, and in all areas of life and will sacrifice their time in extracurriculars to ensure they are worthy of bragging about them to their friends.

They are extremely strict and their demands will be met without question. They train them very well, especially in the social scene as they see their children’s behaviour as a direct reflection of themselves.

They are extremely loving towards their child and often surround their family with nature. However, they may not be as great to their spouse due their constant need for change.

They are very controlling and authoritative towards their child with strict boundaries. The other parent is likely going to have to be easygoing to offset Capricorn’s high intolerance to rule breaking.

Being free spirits themselves, they encourage their child to be as independent as possible and while they care about how well they do in school, it is the extracurriculars and creative projects that they endorse more of.

They are very invested in their child and will spend a lot of time having family activities. However, they may be wary of giving them the independence they need.

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My roommate stopped paying rent, and my dad's our guarantor. What ...

ARIES – they get moody from time to time

TAURUS – they are overly possessive about their belongings

GEMINI – they are very light-hearted so it is hard to get them to do anything serious

CANCER – an intrusion to their privacy will NOT be tolerated

LEO – they need to have attention on them at ALL times

VIRGO – they are extremely unforgiving and will remember the slightest mistakes

LIBRA – they can never be alone so it can be annoying hearing them talk with their friends who are always over

SCORPIO – they can be controlling over the property and limit your input

SAGITTARIUS – they can be overenthusiastic about everything and you will not be getting a lot of downtime

CAPRICORN – they are too efficient and will track your shower time to save on water

AQUARIUS – they run all over the place so it is difficult for them to sit in one place to do any domestic activity i.e. chores

PISCES – they can be too self-involved so seeing you approaching them as an intrusion

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